Slash Commands

This page will cover how to use slash commands, what slash commands are, and cover common issues with slash commands.

What are slash commands and how do I use them?

Slash commands are used by typing slash (/) and selecting a command. Most if not all bots will be using slash commands by now! You can learn more about them here and here.

Who can run slash commands?

Everyone in your server can run slash commands. BUT the bot checks for the correct permissions before. For example, normal users cannot run /config but users with "Administrator" permissions can.

Common issues and solutions

Are you or members of your server struggling with slash commands? Read here!

Slash commands don't show up when I type /

There can be multiple reasons why slash commands don't show up for you or for users in your server.

Server Administrators and owners:

  • Re-invite the bot and make sure it has slash command permissions. You can invite it here.

  • Verify that the @everyone role has the "Use application commands" permission. They should have this permission on the role and in all your channels.

  • If you still can't see them when typing slash please refer to the user section below.


  • Update your Discord app. If you're on android you should especially do this.

  • Enable the following under "text and images" in your discord account settings

I get "Interaction failed" when running slash commands

Interactions may fail when the bot is having issues. Please wait 10 minutes to an hour and the issue will be resolved. We're sorry for any inconvience if you're getting this error on a button panel or when runnning a slash command.

Last updated

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